Tech Chat 4 – Labeling Our Belongings

Listen to Fourth SeroTalk Tech Chat on Labeling Our belongings

We discussed a bar code reader for food, books, CDs and household products.

Customized Metrologic Fusion Omnidirectional Bar Code Scanner for $299

Identify millions of items from groceries and household cleaners to books and CDs. Simply plug the scanner into a USB port on your computer, point it at an item, and press the button to activate. then just go to

Mike Calvo demoed the soon-to-be-released Milestone 312 MP3 player and RFID tag recorder and identifier to label almost anything.

Need a tool for sorting your credit cards and photo IDs?

ACM Wallet Manager for Sorting Our Credit Cards and Photo IDs

Also discussed were  Colorino and Cobalt color identifiers with  light probes.


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One Response to Tech Chat 4 – Labeling Our Belongings

  1. pranav says:

    Michael, I was curious to hear about the vOICe crashing your phone. I use the vOICe as a color identifier and it works quite well on my Nokia E51. It is a great little program and I would be happy to help you or anyone else up and running with it. Color identification is just one of the things the program can do. It has helpped me find light switches in hotel rooms, take interesting photographs on business trips, helpped me match my trousers and ties etc. One thing to remember when using it for color identification, it recognizes the color of only what it finds in the center of the camera view. You could always try using a scanner with the vOICe and getting a better color match that way.

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