It’s time to meet your content team!

Serotek has seen several changes over the last few months. Podcasts such as serotalk and triple click home have taken on a new format and a new sound, in order to fill a niche, we feel, exists in the community. Who is this “we,” you may ask?
Its the new Serotek content team who wants to introduce themselves to you, and who wants to get to know the community as well. Thursday at 7:00 PM eastern, a meet and greet will be held in the “Welcome Lobby,” found within Samnets socializer. IF you haven’t tried Samnet for yourself, consider doing so by downloading a trial copy of our software and signing up. However, if you want to get started quickly, have a look at System Access To Go.

The content team is looking forward to seeing you there!

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  1. Pingback: It’s time to meet your content team! | Display Braille Seller Online

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